3050 Pan American Blvd
North Port, FL 34287
Office: 941.426.3800

Email: jockeyclubnorthport@gmail.com
Halloween at the Jockey Club
Our 2018 Halloween Trunk or Treat
It was a very short notice for us to pass out candy and glow sticks and necklaces to all our little Goblins that came to greet us, but it was a great success. I thought it would be Bill and I only since I just emailed and put a sign up on the door a week ahead to pass out candy to our trick or treaters, but Jason Neff the Assistant Treasurer and Beverly Vincent one our office workers came and helped us pass out our goodies. We had such a good time socializing and talking to all the family’s that I can hardly wait until next year to do it again, but we need more Jockey Club members to bring their chairs and candy and come out and join in the fun with us.
I would love to fill up our parking lot with all our homeowners and maybe have a pizza party beforehand. See you next year!
It was a Bootastic night
Jen Iiams


I would like to thank many people that came out and made our Club House beautiful. We all came Saturday June 17 at 7:00 am to try and beat the heat (but I think the heat beat us). There were 18 of us to help clean and plant flowers, and we had a fun and wonderful day. We could not have gotten it all done without the help of:
Missy & Will Burris and their children Austin & Gerrell
Nancy & Neil Adams
Joanne & Bill Carlock and little Brooklyn
Kathy Stysick
Guenter Recknagel
Barb Wolf
Lisa Moore
David Green
Rod Jacobson
And especially, Berit Staff who brought us plants from her own garden.
Thank You Everyone!
Jen and Bill Iiams

David Casarsa, Vice President
This year, it is intended to conduct a comprehensive review of our Bylaws and Declarations of Covenants and Restrictions with a view to gaining member approval and implementation not later than the end of March 2018. The review will be based upon the work conducted in 2013 that produced a draft, received membership approval but, for unknown reasons, died after a legal review recommended numerous changes.
At the Annual General Meeting, I briefed the membership as to outline plan for the document review. A committee of members was approved at that meeting with myself designated as the Board liaison. The Bylaw Review Committee’s first task is to hold a meeting to appoint a chairman and designate a secretary. The Committee will meet on a monthly basis with meetings announced at Board Meetings, the website and the Clarion. Members are encouraged to attend these meetings and provide input into what they see are important rules/regulations that need to be incorporated into our governing documents.
Members will have access to a draft of the new bylaws by accessing the DOCUMENTS/BYLAW REVIEW tab. That tab contains copies of our existing 2006 governing documents, the first drafts of our Bylaws and Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions and the most current working copies. In addition guidance and instructions will also be provided. Members may download copies of the drafts from the website at no charge. Hard copies of the drafts can be provided at the Clubhouse at a charge of $5.00 a copy, Members may contribute to the review in person at the meetings, by letter to the Jockey Club, Attn: Bylaw Review Committee or by email to jockeyclubnorthport@gmail.com . Please put “Bylaw Review” in the subject line. Constructive criticism will be most appreciated.
It is intended to seek member input from May to September 2017 before sending a draft to our law firm for legal review in October. The legal review will focus upon ensuring our bylaws are in concert with Florida Law and contain the correct terminology. Any adjustments will be made prior to mailing copies of the 2018 Bylaws and Declaration of Covenants/Restrictions to the membership for review and a vote in January 2018. The vote will be simple – you will either accept the Governing Documents as written or reject them. Voting by one tenth of the membership (Bylaws - Article XV) shall determine a quorum.
Many of you have commented about the need for additional regulations or to improve our existing ones in order the make the Jockey Club a better place to live. This is your opportunity to make your ideas known to the Committee in a constructive manner. Get involved early and check our website for monthly updates. In that way you will be able to provide input into the process and take an informed decision when you are asked to vote.